Online Bookstore
E-commerce website that allows user to search for books or filter by category, make purchases and view analytics
A computer engineer student currently studying at York University. With a passion and appreciation for the power of coding, it has led me to become a developer that can one day create applications that can benefit people around the world.
The 8 months I have been working as a Market Data Support Technical Anaylst was an amazing experience for me. This being my first Co-op term it was a little intimidating coming into the job as I had very little knowledge of the various MDS applications and was inexperienced writing scripts that were asked of me. I have been exposed to alot more than I imaged from supporting traders, parsing data, assisting with testing Office 365 and setting up MDS servers fro upgrade project. Overall it was an pleasure working with such a great team and amazing people.
These are some of the projects I have worked on at University and during my free time.
E-commerce website that allows user to search for books or filter by category, make purchases and view analytics
School Admin site with the ability to add students, parents, teachers, supervisors, classrooms into the system and mark students as late, absent or present
Virtual Reality Showroom
Use specialized VR hardware (Oculus Rift, Leap Motion) to create immersive systems with support for user interactions
Computer Vision for Social Distancing (COVID)
E-learning website that consists of learning material, chatroom, forum and quizzes to help students learn espically during tough times